Wednesday, May 9, 2012

So who am I

As I've said in my previous post, this is for personal clarity, but anyone is invited to read along. Just don't be miffed if I don't address you directly or even sound like I'm talking to you, because I'm not. I'm talking to me. Trying to sort me out and get me moving.

This blog was made with the intended purpose of finding out who I am, or more specifically, what I am passionate about, especially in regards to work.

Growing up as a little kid, I was under the impression that there were only so many jobs in the world. Fireman, Doctor, Policeman, Teacher, Pilot and really that's about it. Then you move up to Academy and you get a slightly better idea, but not by much. It evolves to Fire Chief, Pediatric Doctor or Nurse, SWAT, Professor or K-12 teacher, Private or Airline pilot. Then college blows it out a little further. Lawyer, Pastor, Social Worker, Graphic Designer, Journalist etc. But once you get your diploma, put down your final textbook, you walk off campus and life smacks you upside the head with the almost infinite number of job titles. Did anyone go to school to become Regional Sales Director of the Southwest Mobile Connectivity Division? Anyone?
What I am struggling with personally at this moment is simply finding something that brings my life meaning and be good at in the same hand. What if I've been called to become a thermodynamic engineer but I didn't take the coursework in college because I didn't know such a thing existed? What if it is something I could've been good at, but because I don't have the paperwork or experience, no one's going to give me a chance?

They say to take a look at what you liked to do when you were a kid and that'll indicate what you should do when you grow up. I enjoyed building things and disassembling (read: destroy) them. Closest real life job that I could think of that doesn't involve physics (like the potential of the subject, but when I took it in HS, I started to analyze everything) was something to do with Legos. I also enjoyed Chess and strategy games in general. Keywords I get out of this little session: Kinectic, Physical, Strategic.

I'll come back and write soon. I've stepped away for too long last time.

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