Wednesday, May 9, 2012

And so we begin again

This is a slight continuation of my previous blog Copywriter's Randomness, or rather more of an offshoot. It's not necessary to look back at it, but if you wish to have a little more perspective on my thought patterns, go right ahead. I will say that there are quite a few typos and grammatical errors that exist in that previous pattern and I have toyed with the idea of going back and editing them, but then was unsure if the emotion of the moment, of when I sat down to type those entries, would be lost because of my striving for perfection. As such, I'll leave those alone and let them be as is, as I will do with this.

As I have gotten older, I've started to take a more introspective look at myself. I see more notes of my Grandmother and Father becoming more pervasive in me. My Grandmother seems to be set, as in she knows what she wants, how to go about life and she won't put up with anyone's sh*t. My father is still my role model. He's not as aggressive as Grandma, but I see that he contemplates what the world can be, what he can be and how things in general could be better. I am the manifestation of both personalities. I want the world to be a better place, to become a better person, but some of our (in very broad terms) inefficiencies infuriate me.

Speaking on my personal opinion and no other, a prime example would be corporations. Some businesses are too big to react to change quickly enough, and even though you may love the brand or the item and hate to see it disappear, it may be for the better. But why do that get to that point of inflexibility? The summation I believe would be greed. Not that money is, in itself, bad, but the love of money and the endless pursuit of more wears me out. Would I like to be richer? Sure, I'm not denying that. But I find it a bitter pill to swallow thinking that so few people control the vast majority of our day to day foundation of money. In this regards, I understand the position of the 99%. As a side note, I do admire the idealism of the OWS movement, but feel that their roadmap and goals aren't clearly focused.

Soapbox aside, this blog isn't about politics or economics. This is about me, my perspective and my experience. This isn't for any subscribers or followers or even notoriety. This is for my personal clarity first and possibly my legacy, if any, second.

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